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Pancakes with Blueberries

Pancakes with Blueberries

  • by filipino grocery store Admin


Blueberry pancakes are a delicious and classic breakfast option.


  • 120 grams plain flour
  • 3 tbsp. baking powder
  • 1 tbsp. sugar
  • 3 medium eggs
  • 3 tsp. melted batter
  • 180 mls. of milk
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 100 grams Blue berries


  1. In small bowl, mix flour, baking powder, salt and sugar, stir in berries or cashew nuts.
  2. Add milk and butter, mix it well.
  3. Separate egg white from egg yolk.
  4. Using rotary whisk or electric hand mixer, whisk the egg white until stiff and white.
  5. Add egg white to the mixture and fold
  6. Lightly grease skillet and pour ¼ cup of pancake mixture onto skillet.
  7. After about 1 minute the small bubbles are breaking on the surface of the pancake. Then flip over to cook the other side.
  8. Serve at once with butter or maple syrup.

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